Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Military Industrial Complex


Why We Fight (Documentary Film, 2005)

Drift, Rachel Maddow (2012)

Little America, Rajiv Chandrasekaran (2012)

What a mess.  I understand this years election is going to be settled based on domestic issues, but both Maddow and the film call for rational discourse on the subject.  Which I am not hearing. 

While Little America is more about operational matters, what is striking is how we repeated the Vietnam experience ("We fought the war for one year, seven times"); We forgot and had to relearn "Counterinsurgency", and however adaptable our forces are, they are still limited crippled by inter service particularism and even less supported by the USAID and State Department than they were in Vietnam.

Following up on the arguments made by Baskevich, yes, there is some bipartisan blame, but it was the (Republican) "neo-cons" who lead us over the Rubicon into Iraq under false pretenses, with no rational follow up plan.  I wouldn't trust those guys (or their contractors) to run the county animal shelter.

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