Friday, June 22, 2012

We Meant Well by Peter van Buren

Originally published 10/1/11! (My Bad, trying to edit/update, accidently republished)

Another book about the seamy underside of our misadventures in Iraq, heard him on NPR this morning (10/1/11), telling about the Chicken Plant fiasco.

It makes me wonder what kind of systemic incompetence leads to that kind of mistake, and how we can begin to address it in the large organizations that comprise our society.

I know, too many polysylables for the local Republicans.

(6/22/12) OK, I know I went down to my local Public Library and filled out a suggestion form on this book.  Still waiting.

Oh yeah, despite at least one other request for Rachel Maddow's Drift (I overheard), not that one either. 

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