Monday, June 25, 2012

Down the Memory Hole

All of History basically.

About three months ago I became aware that Wizards of the Coast (A subsidiary of Hasbro) had "Eliminated the Positon" of Richard Baker.

He was the manager for the various "Historical" Collectible Miniatures Games (CMG);  Specifically, Axis and Allies Miniatures, and Axis and Allies: War at Sea.  So much for Historically themed product from our major toy manufacturers.

Friday, June 22, 2012

We Meant Well by Peter van Buren

Originally published 10/1/11! (My Bad, trying to edit/update, accidently republished)

Another book about the seamy underside of our misadventures in Iraq, heard him on NPR this morning (10/1/11), telling about the Chicken Plant fiasco.

It makes me wonder what kind of systemic incompetence leads to that kind of mistake, and how we can begin to address it in the large organizations that comprise our society.

I know, too many polysylables for the local Republicans.

(6/22/12) OK, I know I went down to my local Public Library and filled out a suggestion form on this book.  Still waiting.

Oh yeah, despite at least one other request for Rachel Maddow's Drift (I overheard), not that one either. 

Going in Circles: Hitler's Panzers by Showalter

I'll admit, this morning I entirely forgot the significance of todays date (See this date's post from last year).
Last weekend I bought a recent book (new to me), the only thing at Hastings I could find of marginal interest to me I could afford: 

Dennis Showalter

Hitler's Panzers: The Lighning Attacks that revolutionized Warfare.

Berkely Caliber, New York, 2009.  ISBN 978-0-425-23004-6

Pretty good actually, I really liked his treatment of the organizational expansion issues.  As a popular overview for beginners, outstanding, well written (I've tried to read a couple of pieces of real dreck recently), and only a couple of minor technical errors. 

Repeated discussion of how NOT nice the Germans were. Only two mentions of recent contemporary western Historians I noticed, Dave Glantz is discussed primarily in the context of Operation Mars, and Catherine Meridale is the only other modern historian metioned by name. And a mention of  "Order of Battle" and "Rivet Counter" hobbyists..... (Which one am I?)

The final, "Epilogue" chapter could have been usefully expanded.  I undersand the goal of a brief, non-scholarly popular account (The metion of Adolf in the title ought to boost sales somewhat);  But suggestions for wider reading would have been appropriate, and a fuller discussion of the cold war historiography issues so brilliantly analyzed by Dave Glantz in his Voprosy Istorii article.  (Note: When you enter "Glantz Voprosy Istorii" in the search Box, it will pop right up).

But recommended for bright eighteen year olds interested in the subject, I'll be sending it on to my nephew, er, eventually.  I got my $6.99 worth.


Yesterday I told the volunteer ladies at our communtity center library to just take the stack of Nazi Glorification coffee table books (Walmart donations?) and put them in the forthcoming book sale.  This morning I wander in, and another person has "cataloged" them (It's not a real catalog, but that's another issue) and hands them to a different volunteer, saying we don't have room on the shelves, so "we" will store these until we do (there never will be room on the shelves, it is a fixed space).

At least there is a convenient brick wall for me to beat my head against.  Oh, that feels so good.