Thursday, November 20, 2008

Somali Pirates

Are back in the news;

At least two things at work here, the cost shifting of "capitalism", the well documented destruction of the US Flag Merchant Marine. These VERY expensive capital assets (Merchant Ships) are crewed by the minimum number of third world Mariners, there simply is no slack in the labor force to stand security watches.

And the Europeans have a cow at the suggestion they (Merchant ships) be armed anyways. Sheesh folks, put a couple of squads with Machine guns on any ship transiting the area (Enough for 24/7 watch standing). Let the Europeans do it, it's a lot closer to them than us.

High seas Piracy has ALWAYS been a Capital Crime. Any "catch and release" program, they'll just go get new boats. The FAILED governance of Somalia is NOT our problem.

("our" = The developed, trading world community)

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