Thursday, October 16, 2008

James Bamford

Has a new book, all about the NSA surveiling us. At least that is the only aspect the media has brought to my attention. (I'll fill in details later)

Oh gee; More proof of the importance of understanding the sociology of organizations, they do what they know.

As serious as these allegations of assaults on our civil liberties are, how likely is intercepting English language communications to uncover serious terrorist plots?

THAT should be our serious concern. Yes, what they (NSA) are "really" doing on these issues should be some of our most closely guarded secrets. (White House leaks about cell phone intercept capabilities anyone?) Programs and problems like this divert attention from the real issues and threats, and NO ONE in the "National Security" leadership seems to have noticed and quashed the kind of fishing expedition that gets the attention of the Media.